A Walk Around Town


Vienna seemed overwhelming when I was planning my trip.  I was worried that two and half days might not be long enough to see everything on my list, but it was the perfect amount of time.

I arrived in Vienna Monday afternoon and spent the remainder of the day wandering around the grounds of Hofburg Palace and the numerous surrounding parks, enjoying a delicious cake from Demel (per Rick Steve’s recommendation, that man knows good cake!), and  walking in the direction of any building that caught my eye. Every street I turned down seemed to have multiple buildings or  monuments that I was drawn to- I felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions. I loved it!


I ended the evening at Rathaus (city hall) to join in the summer film festival where concerts and various films are shown for free. That night was an Italian Opera by Giuseppe Verdi. While opera is beautiful and the performers are undeniably talented, it just doesn’t hold my attention for my long. I lasted about 40 minutes before making my way back to the hostel. I blame it on the lack of subtitles. 3 hour opera in Italian, and I have no idea what they are saying? I’m impressed I made it as long as I did.
