Czeching Out for Summer

I love when life decides not to go according to plan. Sometimes it is exhausting and trying, but mostly I find it to be quite marvelous. I had my summer all planned out: work in the call center for the rest of the summer (continually wanting to gouge my eyes out while doing so), work every major holiday and Saturday, and then move down to Provo just in time to start school. Sounds like a truly magnificent summer, I know. But no, life threw me a curve ball and I will be spending my summer in Prague. Yes, Prague
So instead I will spend my summer teaching English to three adorable little girls, riding bikes in the Czech Forest, learning a new language, navigating the streets of foreign  cities, meeting new and interesting people, taking a couple weeks to lay on the beach in Italy and seizing every opportunity for new adventure. Now that sounds like a magnificent summer. 

Hi. My name is Katherine, and I’m a Lemming


Yes I have done it. I have followed the masses off the cliffs of insanity and into the Mariana Trench of blogging. Why, you may ask. Why have I thrown in the reins of individualism to become one of a million? I can not fight the need, nay, the almost consuming desire to spout out each and every fleeting and gratuitous thought I have to the world. I must share my ideas with the world so I can be validated. Validate me!!!